End of Year

My 2014 went something like this...

So I wasn't going to do one of these blog posts, mainly down to the reason that (if I'm honest) they are so time consuming...and come the 23rd December, after shooting the most weddings I have ever shot in one year, I am ready to shut down my computer and have a proper break.

But I'm really glad I decided to do it.

2014 was a tough year mostly due to the number of weddings I shot and will ever shoot again (I've already promised my husband I'll do less next year!). It was really hard going and I feel like the year has gone by so quickly.

Doing this blog post though has reminded me of all those amazing weddings (and other shoots)...I can remember taking every image I've chosen. It certainly was hard work at the time, but so worth it.

I hope you like my selection... not the most obvious of choices from some shoots I know, but these are my faves that when I instantly see... I just love. I haven't blogged half of these but I expect to catch up with blogging in the new year!

So with this little (long!) blog post I am signing out until 2015!

Have loads of fun whatever you are up to over the festivities.
