something interesting

Something for the weekend...

A couple of posts back I blogged Lauren & Adam's beautiful wedding at Balbegno Castle and had mentioned that they had the lovely Cine Reportage venture to Scotland from Brighton to capture every second on Super8. The lovely Will and Caroline have been kind enough to share with me the film they made for Lauren and Adam and it's AMAZING!


Lauren & Adam, Balbegno Castle, Scotland, 2012 from Cine Reportage on Vimeo.

gemma & ian • wedding

OMG! There is so much to say about this wedding I don't know where to start. I remember when Gemma and Ian emailed to ask me to photograph their wedding. I was sitting on a beach in Barcelona (supposedly on holiday but still checking my emails!) and as soon as I read what they had planned I just wanted to run up and down the beach screaming I was sooo excited! Weddings like this really get me going. There is so much to photograph, so much to take in and just so much of the couple in everything. I love that!

Due to the distance I never actually met Gemma & Ian until their day but we skyped back and forth, sharing images and Gemma & Ian showing me examples of their ideas (all from a massive scrap book of details that Gemma had created!). Gemma and Ian are stupidly creative. Oh and it helps that all their friends are too. Everything (and I mean everything!) was created by them or someone they know. It was immense!

I submitted this wedding to Annabel over at Love My Dress only last night and she couldn't wait to feature it so posted it on her blog TODAY! You can hop on over there to see what Gemma has to say about her amazing wedding. (Check it out here).

I'll warn you now you might as well put the kettle on... it's a biggie!

{ fashion } Peaches & Diesel

A little something different... Back in March I was asked by one of my brides, Kirsty, if I would photograph some of her vintage fashion range for her new company Peaches & Diesel. Since moving in to weddings I haven't shot any fashion, something I used to absolutely love doing, so I was totally up for it.

We headed up the West End to the lovely cafe/boutique eatiBoutiquie with Kirsty, her clothes and model Debbie and spent an afternoon messing about in and around the cafe.

I'm really keen to do more fashion as I it helps me think about my wedding portraits. I love doing more stylised and quirky portraits of couples and I would really like to bring more of that into my weddings. *Hmmmm (*strokes chin) it's all food for thought.

Anyways, here are a few shots from the day...